I hope you are well rested and ready to attack your “intentions” for 2018. I use the word “intentions” instead of the word goals, after a long discussion with a dear friend who spent some time explaining to me why she no longer uses “goals”.
What is the difference you may ask? A goal can appear to be more defined and more measurable than an intention. But do we stop short of setting goals out of a fear of falling short? I know I may be guilty of this from time to time.
You can never fall short on an intention as long as you are moving along the path towards success. This is how intentions can be much more advantageous than defined (numbers) goals. Intentions can be inspiring as they help you get to where you want to go lead by your heart. Goals can be clear and direct, but the fear of failure, or perhaps not setting realistic goals can be very demoralizing.
Intentions within a Family Business can be a much more positive approach towards making your business and your family reach its optimal potential. Family Business’ Goals often include things beyond budget numbers. They can include things like:
- Setting up Family Meetings;
- setting up Family Councils;
- planning Family based business events (like a Company picnic); and
- can clearly be seen as more than just numbers.
Work the numbers in your business, track them, make decisions based on them, and let them guide the Business part of your family, however be open to the idea of intentions to guide the Family part of your Business.
Sound a bit tricky? Let me help you! I can get together with you to have a chat about what those differences are, and the changes that can make dramatic improvement within your Family and Family Business.