Sorry to scare you into thinking this article was going to take a month to read!

Okay, there might be 4,000 ways or more depending on how many articles you read about Family Business. I want to focus on #1 which is COMMUNICATION.


Communication (or lack thereof) is almost always at the centre of any kind of Family Business activity.  Whether it is developing a strategic plan for the corporation, a marketing plan, some investment strategies, etc., the need for clear two-way communication is evident.

People don’t often talk about good communication because the focus is on the negative.  Good communication is very comprehensive and requires a great deal of effort in many ways.

What does good communication sound and look like?  Here are a few questions to ask first:

These questions must be answered to create an opportunity for awesome communication in ALL aspects of your Family Business and with your family members.

As the next generation begins taking on more responsibility within your Family Business, there are even more questions to ask, such as:

My favorite next generation question that I must ask is:
“If you weren’t working here at the family business,
what would you really love to do as your career?”


The answers almost never include the family business they are currently in. Or even the industry they are in. I do know there are those out there who love working with their family, and who would choose to do it again and again. I love hearing their success stories whose success revolves entirely around great communication. Let me help your family business communicate so well, that we can make your business the one that everyone wants to be a part of.  Be the family business who listens to its family members and staff; where people will say, “Yes I feel like I am a part of something great and I have a voice.”

Let’s have a conversation.

I know I can help make this goal a reality for you.

Have a wonderful Canada Day weekend everyone!